What We Do
Why PWESCR? Treaty Body Monitoring
Training Programme Exchange and Research Programme


  • An international, women-led organization based in the Global South.

  • It links the voices of the most marginalized women’s to the highest level of policy making including the UN.

  • With a focus on women’s poverty, it provides economic analysis to women’s issues and not just a social and cultural perspective.

  • It particularly focuses on the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and not just CEDAW.

  • It fosters a growing international network of over 400 organisations from all over the world.

Capacity Building and Leadership Development: PWESCR’s Training Programme

All women have the ability to assert their rights as well as emerge as leaders

To build capacity of women’s leaders from the Global South to contribute as engaged equal participants in discourses around human rights at all levels – especially at the international level

  • Annual Leadership Institute in Women’s ESCR
    PWESCR’s Leadership Institute in Women’s Economic Social and Cultural Rights is an annual leadership development programme for women’s rights leaders working in organizations from the global South. The Institute, based on the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, is held in two phases each year. www.pwescrleadership.org

    Women’s Annual Leadership Development in ESCR for community based women leaders in Hindi.
    GARIMA is a leadership development programme for women working at community level, especially from marginalized communities, including Dalits, Tribal, rural and ethnic minorities.

Enhance Participation of Women from the South in International Spaces

To create spaces and opportunities at the International level, for South based organizations to articulate human rights priorities based on Southern realities.

  • Treaty Body Monitoring

  • PWESCR promotes international human rights standards in domestic law and policy through treaty body monitoring work, especially the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

  • Formation of large collectives of organizations and providing technical support to develop collaborative civil society reports for country review before the UN Committee on ESCR.

  • Building capacity of civil society groups, especially of women leaders to participate in CESCR country review process.

  • Leading civil society delegations to Geneva for the actual review and them to implement Concluding Observations.

  • Worked with civil society groups in 7 countries from the economic South: India, Afghanistan, Srilanka, Moldova, Turkey, Cameroon and Peru.

Enhancing Knowledge through Shared Learning: PWESCR’s Exchange and Research Programme

The Programme to Enhance Knowledge Through Shared Learning is a dynamic and creative learning program to foster consolidate and share a greater understanding of women’s human rights issues especially poverty, livelihood, and economic justice. Recognizing the need for greater collaboration between movements internationally, PWESCR has been working at strengthening South/North, and South/South partnerships.


  • In-country, regional, and international exchanges through a series of study tours, exchange programs and creative learning opportunities for NGO professionals working at the community and/or grass roots levels to enable effective sharing of information and strengthening of their work.

  • Participation in meetings and networks on issues of women’s leadership development, human rights, poverty, and economic justice.

  • Building capacity of civil society groups, especially of women leaders to participate in CESCR country review process.

  • Leading civil society delegations to Geneva for the actual review and them to implement Concluding Observations.

  • Livelihoods are Every Women’s Human Right.
    PWESCR in partnership with several organizations worldwide initiated a Global Network on Women’s Right to Livelihoods. The network has over 250 members and seeks to expand the concept of women’s human rights so that the right to livelihoods is recongnised as a basic human right. Read more
    To join the network write to livelihood@pwescr.org